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Session Information

Our classes will occur throughout the month of July, starting the week of July 8th. Each class will occur twice per week, for four weeks, and the exact schedule for each class will be released on July 1st. We are teaching 4 classes: competitive math preparation, 3rd grade accelerated review, 4th grade accelerated review, and 5th grade accelerated review.

Class Expectations

  • Classes will be on zoom and cameras should always be turned on to ensure students are focused throughout the class.
  • Homework should be done in a timely manner. We understand it is summer but given you are taking this class, we expect you to complete homework from each class before the next class.
  • If for any reason you need to miss a class, please email your teacher and let us know ahead of time. Slides can be used as resources if you miss a class, if you need any other support, please email your teacher with any questions. We will also try to record our classes. Slides will be available
  • The course is problem-based, so we will be building concepts up around the problems we provide instead of employing traditional lectures

Class Materials

Class presentations and recordings, problem sets, and further lecture materials will be posted in the classes' respective pages. The resources your child is expected to have to get the most of our classes are as follows.

  • Stable Internet connection and a laptop or monitor
  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • A positive mindset and willingness to learn

Support Future Classes

If you believe your child will or has benefited from any of our programs, please consider donating to Lincoln Math Club to support similar programs in the future, as well as fund math competition access for every student who wants to participate in competitions like the AMC through Lincoln Math Club.